None of the politician will probably read this anyway

Faizal Bochari
2 min readMay 29, 2020


I can’t really remember the last time as person i can be sure that after criticizing the government, i am not gonna get in trouble. its getting worse that not only government seems to be anti-critic, people supporting this current government is easily get hurt and oddly sensitive.

(that is what i think and i’m just regular guy writing on my medium with only around 20 views per article and writing about the government already feels terrifying enough)

Imagine being so sensitive that a mere post on social media may get you in trouble (Farid Gaban, Ahok, Ahmad Dhani and etc). I mean probably, If you have too much free time, you can just scroll down to twitter and find something or someone you can sue. This to prove to you that there is no more safe place even on the net and we should probably discuss about our government on Pornhub comment (wait, Ministry of Communication and Technology has Pornhub account, oo shit). Big boss is watching you.

The impact of political contestation between Jokowi and Prabowo lives in the heart of many people to this day. I think this trend of over idolizing political figure even goes way back from SBY era.

The problem with it is no matter what your idol do you would blindly accept it. It creates two problems. People seems to hold a believe that if you vote for Jokowi in the last election that means criticizing his political maneuver is like licking your own ass. the second is if you madly in love with him as a person then anyone that stand in his way will also become your enemy.

Mr Agus Mulyadi of was once the victim of this type of thinking. He was criticized on the twitter for saying something about The current administration. He retaliates hard and wrote this essay. I mean since when idolizing political figure become a trend so much that we are not allow to criticize their move. I admire Maudya Ayunda but if she is feeding me shit, i wouldn’t want to eat it.

This just in, Farid Gaban was sued because of a tweet he posted on his personal twitter with his own gadget about his own opinion about the government. The fact that he is a senior journalist and the one reported him is PSI politician (one of the party supporting the current administration) is probably unrelated. this politician probably do it out of love and admiration for this country. He probably think that a tweet can cause disturbance in the society that he needs to be the hero that this country needs.

it is very true folks, a mere tweet can hurt.



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