Glossary of my favorite words #2
In Layman’s Term (n): Explain something as if you are talking to someone who got no expertise in any field. A layman refer to a person who got no expertise in any sort of specific field.
I was watching one of the episode of a comedy show called Would i lie to you in which Prof. Brian Cox, a physicist, became one of the panelist. He explained something about the Hidron-Collider and it shows immediately that not everyone could understood the words “niodium tungsten alloy” as one of the panelist then said “ so in layman’s term it’’s a wire”
Lollipop man (n): the person who helps kids cross the street.
I first thought that Lollipop man is the man who sells lollipop to kids and completely out of clues when watching this episode of Would I Lie to You. As addition the stop sign that they held their hand can be called Lollipop according to merriam webster dictionary.
Pranala (n): indonesian translation for the word hyperlink. Electronic link that give you direct access from and to one place within a document or different document.
In indonesia, typically link is translated into “taut” or “kail” which can be roughly translated to fishing line. What is interesting though is that the words pranala originally from Javanese local language that roughly translated to creek in English. ( I think pranala would also be a cool name for a child)
Sleeping police (n): it has the same meaning with speed bump.
I used to joke about translating Indonesian literally to English like the word “mati lampu” to “death lamp” instead of “blackout”. The word “polisi tidur” to “sleeping police” is also one of them and i could not be more wrong to find out that “sleeping police” is a legitimate expression used by people in UK.
Eskimo kiss (n): when one person touches other’s nose with their own.
This expression is in one of my favorite Jason Mraz’s song called butterfly.
I really love a song when its not really explicit and it is using metaphor or indirect expression on it’s lyric. This song is about people having sex (there is no doubt about it) but the word choices and expressions are beautiful. You can find the expression “Eskimo Kiss” in this part of the song:
“Will you float on by?
Oh, kiss me with your eyelashes tonight
Or Eskimo your nose real close to mine
And let’s mood the lights and finally make it right”
my favorite part is the beginning which goes like this:
“I’m taking a moment just imagining that I? m dancing with you
I’m your pole and all you’re wearing is your shoes
You got soul, you know what to do to turn me on
Until I write a song about you”
Deflower (v): to take away a woman’s virginity
I heard the word from Daniel Sloss in his stand up comedy show called Jigsaw. It was said that Jigsaw break lots of couples upon the very first months of its premiere. After watching it, i can see why. (This is not me speaking from experience). You should see the guy, its on Netflix.
Sysygy (n): the nearly straight-line configuration of three celestial bodies (such as the sun, moon, and earth during a solar or lunar eclipse) in a gravitational system
I encounter the word when I was reading the book Astrophysics in Hurry by Neil Degrasse Tyson. I also think that the word would be a good name for a baby.